AUSTIN – The Travis County government in Austin, represented by CBRE, is soliciting development proposals for a full block in downtown Austin.
The site, at 308 Guadalupe Street, is bounded by Third and Fourth Streets to the south and north, and Guadalupe and San Antonio Streets to the east and west. The block is catty-cornered from the W Hotel and across the street from the AMLI Downtown high-rise apartments.
The Travis County Purchasing Agent and CBRE will host a pre-bid conference on Wednesday, Sept. 21.
“The County seeks proposals that maximize value for the 77,215-square-foot site, which could be developed to 25:1 floor area ratio (FAR) based on the City of Austin’s density bonus program,” CBRE said. The block is currently a surface parking lot.
Todd Mills, Jerry Frey and Eric DeJernett, with CBRE’s Capital Markets and Advisory & Transaction Services teams in Austin, are teaming with Peter Jansen and Michael McShea, with CBRE’s Public Institutions and Education Solutions (PIES) Group, to represent the Travis County Commissioners Court in the solicitation process.
Proposals are due to the County Purchasing Agent by Nov. 9.
Sept. 20, 2016 Realty News Report Copyright 2016