HOUSTON — Xceligent, a leading provider of commercial real estate information and technology, has teamed-up with Commercial Gateway (CommGate.com), the commercial division of the Houston Association of REALTORS to launch Xceligent’s research platform in the market.
“The Commercial Gateway information exchange has been a valuable tool for local research and analysis since it was founded 15 years ago, but Houston brokers are increasingly serving clients from across the country, so they need to be transacting on a platform that is national in its breadth,” said Mario Arriaga, Chairman of the Houston Association of Realtors and a commercial broker. “Under the terms of our agreement with Xceligent, HAR’s Commercial Gateway will continue to offer and support its local information exchange service that will function as a part of the larger Xceligent research platform.”
Xceligent has successfully brought its service to more than 45 U.S. markets and is launching its research product into the top 65 markets by 2018.
Said Doug Curry, CEO of Xceligent. “We also allow our subscribers to search and analyze all of our researched markets, so adding Houston to our other Texas cities provides us with state-wide coverage of the largest commercial real estate areas.”
Xceligent provides a comprehensive suite of fully researched properties, listings, tenants, lease and sale transactions, historical trends, and demographic information.
March 30, 2016