Hines Constructing Heavy Timber Project in Nashville

NASHVILLE – (Realty News Report) – A former warehouse district turned arts hub in Nashville called Wedgewood Houston – or “WeHo” in current neighborhood parlance – is gaining a heavy-timber creative office and residential campus by Hines, with Cresset Real Estate Partners.

200,000-SF heavy timber office and retail building

Now under construction, the mixed-use campus includes Hines’ T3 Wedgewood Houston, a 200,000-SF heavy timber office and retail building described in newly unveiled project details as one of the most environmentally friendly and sustainable developments in the greater Nashville area.

Hines’ “T3” brand stands for timber, transit and technology and is a mass timber creative product developed in response to evolving tenant requirements. The Houston-based company built the world’s first such mass timber office building in 2016, in Minneapolis, and has more than 16 such projects in the chute or planned around the globe, including Austin.

In the Nashville project, another campus component is “The Finery.” Its 700,000 square feet incorporate 383 multifamily units, creative office space, plus retail, entertainment and hospitality uses. With its buildings, outdoor spaces and expected programming, the campus creates a “village square” and a “launching point” for the area residents, businesses, visitors and the larger community, project sources said.

“The Finery” which includes 383 multifamily units, is under development in Nashville by Hines. (Rendering: Hines)

T3 Wedgewood Houston is “tailored for companies seeking engaging environments for their employees,” David Lawrence, managing director at Hines, said in a press release. It also continues the company’s demonstrated commitment to sustainable development.

More specific common tenant amenities include private balconies; shared conference space with advanced AV systems; fitness center; bike storage and end-of-trip facilities; and enhanced WiFi. HVAC systems enhance indoor air quality and air filtration systems, addressing the post-Covid world.

The development “is responding to the changing needs of this flourishing Nashville region,” said Larry Levy, co-founder of Cresset Real Estate Partners.

Wedgewood and Houston are both streets defining the region’s location, which is slightly south of downtown.

Project construction is expected to be completed in the second quarter of 2023.

May 12. 2022 – Realty News Report Copyright 2022

Renderings: Courtesy Hines

File: Hines Constructing Heavy Timber Project in Nashville

LISTEN: THE RALPH BIVINS PROJECT podcast with guest MARY SHANKLIN, a Florida journalist who has covered Disney real estate for years.

File: Cresset Real Estate Partners.  Hines Constructing Heavy Timber Project in Nashville

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