HOUSTON – The Houston Association of Realtors and its Commercial Gateway division have joined forces with Xceligent to create an online “temporary space finder” for companies displaced by Hurricane Harvey. The short-term lease listings can be found on www.CommGate.com.
HAR said the effort is focused on “identifying existing spaces where a landlord is willing to execute a short-term lease for companies in need.”
“Houston will not recover from Harvey’s flood until Houstonians are back to work and getting displaced businesses in new locations is an essential step in the recovery of our communities,” said HAR Chair Cindy Hamann.
Xceligent researchers and CommGate staff continue to contact brokers and owners in the area to identify commercial space available for temporary occupancy. Xceligent’s staff will assist displaced businesses by conducting searches for potential spaces and putting them in touch with brokers offering short-term leases. Xceligent staff will also direct inquiries from displaced businesses to the Commgate.com website.
“So much of the Gulf Coast’s recovery will depend on the commercial real estate industry responding quickly to meet businesses’ short-term needs and requirements,” said Mario Arriaga, Commercial Gateway Advisory Board Chairman. “In addition to displaced businesses, we also need to accommodate insurance adjusters, claims processors, relief agencies, out-of-town contractors and building materials providers.”