Partners Nails Prime Site Next to Samsung $17B Chip Plant Tract

TAYLOR, Texas – (By Ralph Bivins of Realty News Report) – Investors dream about stuff like this. You know, buy raw land in Central Florida and the day after you close the deal, Disney announces a theme park next door.

Partners Capital, the investment arm of Houston’s NAI Partners, is developing a 350,000-SF spec industrial building in Taylor, a town about 35 miles northeast of downtown Austin.

No Disney in Sight, But … Samsung Could Build 6 Million SF Next Door

The NAI/Partners Capital development happens to be across the street from a site where Samsung is expected to build one of the world’s largest and most advanced semiconductor factories.

Any day now, Samsung is expected to announce plans for a $17 billion plant with 6 million SF on 1,200 acres on the west side of the Taylor community. The Reuters news agency reported last week that it’s basically a done deal. Also, BusinessKorea and Korea JoongAng Daily have reported that Seoul-based Samsung has selected Taylor.

The Samsung site is south of US Highway 79 and west of FM 973 – almost adjacent to NAI/Partners Capital’s site.

So if the Samsung deal comes down this week, we’ll expect to see a lot of smiles in the offices of Jon Silberman and Andrew Pappas over at NAI/Partners Capital.

Samsung is expected to create a heat wave in Taylor and all over Williamson County. Samsung is getting a boatload of tax incentives.  An unsigned document, called the Williamson County Development Agreement, outlining the proposed obligations between the county and Samsung Austin Semiconductor LLC. The county will construct new roads and infrastructure around the chip foundry.

Samsung Site Abuts Eastern Boundary of New Logistics Park

The Houston Connection: The spec distribution building, called TaylorPort Rail Park 01, is a distribution building being developed by Partners Capital. Leasing is by NAI’s Gray Gilbert, John Colglazier Jr. and Kyle Kennan. Completion is slated for the fourth quarter of 2022.

The warehouse will be located in the RCR Taylor Logistics Park, which has rail lines with both Union Pacific and BNSF railroads.  And railroads are a rarity in the Austin area.

NAI/Partners Capital plans to build its rail-served warehouse in the RCR Taylor Rail Logistics Park – a 755-acre master planned rail logistics park that opened earlier this year.

The proposed Samsung site is adjacent to the RCR Taylor Rail Logistics Park property.

“The (logistics) park is currently open with two transload tracks, 400+ car storage and interchange tracks, and approximately 400 acres to sell to rail users, or developers with a user in tow,” said Jeffrey Pittman, vice president at RCR Rail Park Development Co. in an email. “Partners is our only traditional rail-served spec developer in the park that we are allowing.  We are talking to other developers for cold storage and other specific building uses and types.   We have our own switching engines and currently receive both UP and BNSF trains twice a week.  We currently transload lumber, bricks, and other construction materials and are working on automobile, aggregate, sand, wallboard, plastics, agricultural products, finished fuels, and other intermediate additive non-hazardous products.”

The logistics park is 159 miles from Houston and 180 miles from Dallas, says RCR Rail Park Development Co.

Oct. 7, 2021 Realty News Report Copyright 2021

 For more about Texas real estate, check out the book Houston 2020: America’s Boom Town – An Extreme Close Up  by Ralph Bivins. Available on Amazon  

Houston 2020 Ebook version   

File: Partners Nails Prime Site

File: NAI Partners. Partners Capital. Andrew Pappas. Jon Silberman. Partners Nails Prime Site in Taylor, Texas. Samsung. Rail Served.

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